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Porch Pick-Up Orders

Our Porch Pick-Up may change weekly based on what we have on hand for baked goods, what's growing in our garden, and general inventory. Below you can find a general list of what we try to keep available regularly. Follow us on Instagram to be notified every Monday of what we have available.

Currently, we are working on our online payment system so for now, we accept Venmo payments (
@cozyplace). We apologize for any inconvenience.

To order, please text Deidra Howard at (781) 413-1710 with your order and the time you would like to pick your order up.
940 32nd Ave. SW
Vero Beach, FL

Herb Bunches/Bags

Butterfly Pea Flower

Artemisia (Wormwood) everyday + cold & flu support
Aloe Vera
Hoja Santa leaves


Medicinal Teas & Spices

Herbal Root Brew (find out more)
Slippery Elm (find out more)
Sleepy Time Tea (find out more)
Herbal Support Bundle (includes Herbal Root Brew, Slippery Elm, & Sleepy Time Tea - 30 day supply)
Egyptian Zatar (find out more)
Moroccan Ras el Hanout (find out more)
French Herb Seasoning (find out more)
Wormwood & Mint Tea
Lemon Balm & Butterfly Pea Tea

Our bodies have several systems that are interdependent on each other to fuel, protect, support, and rebuild the body. There are several herbs, roots, and plants that offer benefits for these systems. We are constantly challenging our bodies through diet, stress, and other demands which can break down our defenses so it is necessary to provide it with what it needs to function optimally. I tried to keep this process of rebuilding very simple! Everything is either grown in our organic gardens or supplied through reputable, organic companies based in the USA.

Herbal Root Brew:

Dandelion Root - glandular, spleen, blood, liver/gallbladder, kidney, lymphatic, and digestive system support.
Ginger Root - digestion, kidney, liver/gallbladder, glandular, and hormone system support as well as parasite and heavy metal detox support.
Marshmallow Root - respiratory, skin, kidney/bladder, heart, and digestion support. It is also anti-bacterial and wound healing.
Sarsaparilla Root - liver, skin cellular, hormone, and respiratory support. Breaks up mucus and is anti-fungal.
Burdock Root - kidney and lymphatic support as well as a potent, super blood purifier and removes excess estrogen through elimination.
Milk Thistle - kidney, liver/gallbladder, pancreas, skin, bone/tissue, and immune system support. Also great for heavy metal detox.
Reishi - blood, adrenals, neurological, cellular, heart, pancreas, and immune support.
Rosehips - adrenals, liver/gallbladder, blood, digestion, heart, pancreas, and cellular support. Best form of vitamin C and is anti-inflammatory.
Juniper Berries - kidney, spleen, cellular, skin, digestion, neurological, pancreas, and heart support. Anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and anti-fungal.

Slippery Elm:
Soothes and coats the entire digestive system resulting in a healing effect of many chronic issues involving this system.

Sleepy Time Tea:
Chamomile - adrenal, lymphatic, neurological, and liver/gallbladder support as well as parasite control.
Passion Flower - adrenal, neurological, and hormone support.
Nettles - kidney/bladder, blood, hormone, and neurological support. This herb is a super nutrition source of calcium, iron, magnesium, trace minerals, chlorophyll, vitamins A, C, E, D, K, and folate.
Oat Straw - immune, bone/tissue, neurological, blood, pancreas, adrenal, heart, and skin support. Increases melatonin leading to better sleep.
Blue Vervain - thyroid, respiratory, and neurological support. Excellent for oral health and pain relief.
Irish Moss - thyroid, blood, immune, heart, and neurological support. Excellent for joint pain, weight issues, and nutritional needs.
Schisandra Berry - adrenal, kidney/bladder, neurological, and glandular support.
Tulsi - thyroid support.
Mexican Mint - digestion and hormone support.

Egyptian Zatar:
Middle Eastern spice that brings vibrant flavors to foods from dips to entrees. Great for digestion, thyroid, glandular, and heart support. Ingredients: thyme, cumin, coriander, sesame seeds, sumac, salt, Aleppo chili flakes.

Moroccan Ras el Hanout:
An earthy, warming, complex spice mixing both sweet and savory. Supports pancreas, heart, lung, hormone, parasite detox, neurological, liver/gallbladder, digestion, adrenals, and kidney/bladder health. Ingredients: coriander, cumin, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, cinnamon, white pepper, cardamom, cloves, salt, and fennel.

French Herb Seasoning:
A flexible seasoning for your favorite vegetables, breads, and meats. Great for digestion, adrenals, kidney/bladder, neurological, liver/gallbladder, thyroid, blood, hormone, spleen, lung, and glandular support. Ingredients: marjoram, thyme, basil, rosemary, sage, fennel, nettles, parsley.
Herbal RB
Slippery Elm
Sleepy TT
Ras el Hanout
French Herb
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